Sunday, July 22, 2012

Homeschool art

Every year our family looks forward to a downtown event that is put on by a local merchant. She started the event after seeing her own children when they were younger, drawing on the sidewalk in front of her shop. It has been an annual event for the last 16 years! Here is a video from last year that advertised both our local airport and the downtown "Chalk It Up" event.  (I was one of the many local people asked to draw on the was so much fun!)

This year, much to the kids and my disappointment, was rained out. Fortunately though, it had a rain date scheduled and the event took place yesterday. Both kids were very excited. (almost as much as I was!) A~man chose once again to draw a tractor. The boy LOVES John Deer tractors!

We've been participating in the event since A~man was 6 and Z~girl was 4. While taking a short break from "summer school", this event is a nice way to incorporate a little art into our week. I remember the first couple of years we were lucky if we were able to get A~man to even draw a few squiggles. Which was fine of course as we were just doing it for fun. This year though was the first time he has REALLY made a large recognizable drawing. Notice the autograph too? :)

A~girl excels in creativity! She has always done amazing sidewalk art. (says her gloating mama) She also stresses about what she is going to draw for weeks. (I wonder where she got that? lol)

 Even after choosing what she was going to draw I could tell early on that she thought her picture wasn't going the direction she wanted it. She pulled it together though and it came out so whimsical! 

It looks so much better in person. The sun was shining so bright that it's hard to see the detail and color.

We LOVE art in our house and this fall we will be adding some online art classes into our learning. To tie things up I will add my art from yesterday too. I wasn't going to as it didn't work out the way I originally had planned either. It still was a whole lot of fun though!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Looks like fun! Such beautiful creations! Art is one area that we don't do often enough. This is a great suggestion!
