Sunday, April 22, 2012

Homeschool Sick Days?

It seems like this spring we have had more than our share of colds! Just as we are getting over one, the next week a new one comes to visit. Thursday night my two were complaining that their throats hurt. Friday morning I woke up with a temperature! Unfortunately Friday was also the day we were supposed to have our homeschool spring party so needless to say we did not attend.

Saturday we woke up and everyone felt fine so in the morning Z had a soccer game. (not sure why all my soccer photos turned out so blurry)

After lunch A~man had his first baseball game EVER. He has never played before and our city has an awesome special needs team with varying abilities participating. A~man was even on the same team as his buddy from preschool that also has Prader-willi syndrome! They hugged liked they were the best of friends.

We were supposed to go to a Kite Day event after that but by then we were all worn out!

This morning we all woke up sick again. (well except for hubby) So maybe we over did it yesterday. I'm curious how other homeschool families handle sick days. Obviously if a child has a fever,flu,or stomach flu all schoolwork would be cancelled. For us though when we just have a cold, we normally stay home (or at least away from other people so we do not share our cooties) but the kids are easily bored if we do not do something!

Today is Sunday so we are obviously not doing schoolwork but hopefully soon we will be taking a walk to get some fresh air. On weekdays if one of the kids are sick we may do our online computer curriculum or play some alphabetizing games. Also we sometimes will just sit down with a good book, either alone, or together. (Z is reading A "Bear Stories" :)

I'm hoping the sickies will move along though and soon. Tuesday we are supposed to go see a play of To Kill a Mockingbird!

How does your homeschool family deal with sick days?


  1. Awwww... Hate to hear that you all have been so ill. I have also been not feeling well, but it has been just allergys. Anyways, I thought I would just share what we do on sick days. We let the kids play online computer games. There is this great Free educational game site called, Learning Games For Kids (
    They love it :)
    btw, Love your blog :)

  2. SO sorry you guys have been sick...I didn't realize or I'd have brought you some of my famous chicken soup!! :) That last picture is SO awesome, I wanna put it on my fridge!!

  3. Keri thanks for following my blog!That is a good site and we have been at it!

    Kerry- yeah it was ick but we are all better now. Allergies made it worse...I love chicken soup btw. :D Go ahead put it on your fridge hahah. I have such cute kids.

  4. Oh, and btw, we went to the play. I had forgotten a lot about the book and it was a little older than my kids maturity level. I was glad A~man fell asleep during it actually...they used the "N" word a lot and I would absolutely die if he ever said it. Still it was a really good play.
