Monday, June 24, 2013

A Summer Hike

I missed posting about our Father's Day last weekend. We are blessed to live in an area with many places to hike within a half hour and even more past that! So last week we decided to go hiking at a place known for water falls. 

The parking area we normally go to was blocked off due to some type of construction so we had to start our hike in a part of the area that we are not as familiar with, thus we we were not able to figure out how to get where we usually go. I guess that is kind of like life at times. We want to go down the path we know best but sometimes a roadblock gets in our way and we end up going down an unfamiliar path. 

We ended up at the top of one of the waterfalls rather than the bottom where the kids wanted to play in the water. 

Here is another view of it. (you can see in the top right half where the covered bridge that we hiked to is) We still couldn't find the path to safely get to the base of the falls! That's one thing I especially like about my little family. Whether it is a hike like this or life in general when we come to a roadblock we just go with it and find a different way to go. More often than not it happens for a reason and the outcome is beautiful.

Perhaps- The path least taken is sometimes the best.

Well that is way too much philosophy for a Monday morning. Especially considering I have only had one cup of coffee. I normally blog Sunday nights but a lightening storm stalled that and I had to unplug the computer as I have lost one too many computers due to lightening. Which reminds me, I need to back up the hundreds of photos I have on my computer.

I love summer with it's lightening storms. It makes me think about doing a weather curriculum after our short break. It's amazing though what the kids learn about science by just observing! Learning to read does not take a break for summer though, especially for A~man. He needs the constant little push to keep those skills. I was amazed though this weekend when I heard him read the name of the restaurant we were going to. It was not a place we had been before so he hadn't even heard the name before. I love little surprises like that! 

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