Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Blessings of Special Needs Siblings

This isn't the first time I've said it but my son is so blessed to have his sister. I truly think that due to them being so close in age, that it has helped him achieve so much. Up until the last couple of years they were the best of friends...they would wake up before hubby and I and they would always be playing together. Now at 14 and 12 though I see less and less of that...and at times it can be discouraging. I see Z~girl avoiding him, yelling at him, and an occasional punch.  (keep in mind he is VERY TRYING at times and she never truly would hurt him) It is normal sibling issues with the addition of the fact her brother can be even more annoying than the average brother. (some of it he can help...some he cannot)

This afternoon we had a fall picnic with our homeschool group. As a whole other kids and parents are very kind and tolerant of A~man's differences. There was a situation years ago with a few boys bullying but it was dealt with in an appropriate manner from the parents and the kids. I am sure the boys still talk/giggle about him but they are kind to his face. Today the boys his age were talking about football. Well....LOL...even though both kids are involved in sports we do not watch professional sports so he had no clue what they were talking about, (neither did I hahaha) when they were talking about teams. Still, he was desperate to be a part of their conversation. I guided him to the girls as they are a bit more inclusive with him. (not complaining...that is just how I have observed girls are with him)

One of my home school mom friends picked out some fun games...and of course with most games it always comes down to the choosing of teams. Needless to say A~man is always chosen last. (in fact I was too in middle school) He doesn't notice or care but his sister DOES. When I was taking pictures I took this one that I will cherish forever.

They were choosing teams. Z~girl is one of the first girls picked as she is fast and athletic...but if I could title this photo it is "if you pick me, you pick my brother!" which was the case. My heart melted on the ground. When we are at group activities she watches over him like a second mama. Thankfully my hubby can come to most events so one of us can watch over him as I do not want her to always feel the obligation to have her eyes constantly on the A~man. I want her to be able to feel free to hang out with her friends. But, still she is always there cheering him on.

I think that as much of a blessing that she is on him...I believe he is equally a blessing on her. Even though it can be more stressful than the average sibling she is learning patience, tolerance, compassion, and an unconditional love that will forever have an impact on her life.


I am very excited about this next week! I have a niece living and working in a state 8 hours away that we are going to go visit for a few days! Except for my in-laws, (who I love dearly) I haven't seen any of my family in years due to finances. We started our school year in August so starting Monday we will have a fall break for a couple of weeks. Learning doesn't really stop as I have some roadschooling planned thanks to my Kindle and before we go A~man will be working on some fun unscramble games. I'm hoping to put the kids some surprises together too for the 8 hour road trip. Of course Z~girl's main request is a trip to the library before we go as she knows I have several books on my kindle that I am going to want to read so I will not be sharing quite as much. I am so thankful that we will be able to go on this trip as I really did not think it would be a possibility!!  


  1. I love that photo too. Her simple gesture says so much about her love.

    1. It does! I truly appreciate those moments in between the bickering!

  2. Love the photos and the sibling love. :) Have fun roadschooling and visiting the family! :)


  3. I love this Joy! What a wonderful and compassionate adult she will be. This warmed my heart as I was reading it. Thanks for linking this up with us for MMMM link up. I am sharing this on the FB page too because I love it!
